Essay 1: Random Act of Kindness

     It was just after 3 p.m. . Zahid had just finished his lessons today. The hot sun shone mercilessly from a cloudless sky. Beads of sweat gathered on his forehead and he was drenched I perspiration. When he was waiting for the bus, he saw an elegant woman. She looks like a rich person. Maybe she is in her early 30s. But there were two men who look very suspicious. They stared the woman eagerly.
          “Maybe she knows them” he said.
        But his thought was wrong. In a blink of an eye, one of the men grabbed her arm. He was trying to get the woman’s chain. She is being robbed! The woman tried to put on a fight. The other man then tried to take her handbag. The woman was pushed away. She screamed hysterically for the help. The two robbers who were panicked at her scream ran away swiftly.
         Zahid stared in disbelief. He then went toward the woman to help her. Some of the passerby saw what has happened. They gave the snatchers a chase. Zahid tried to get the woman to stand up. She got some injuries on both of her knees and the palm of her hand. He assisted the woman walk to the bus stop to give a shade for her. He ran hurriedly towards the public phone which is located besides the bus stop to call the police.
        A few minutes later, the police came. The passer by who help to chase the two snatchers managed to catch them. Both of them were handed to the police. The woman thanked Zahid. She offered some money to him but he kindly rejected her offer. He said he is sincere to help her and do not want anything in return for his kindness.

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